Any discussion of creatures and fantasy would be totally remiss if I didn’t cover creating your own creatures. After all, while we’ve got a plethora of well-established fantasy creatures, creating your own is one really fun way to put a unique spin on your world, and plenty of authors do it. There’s a variety of ways to achieve this goal, and we’re going to talk about some of the options available to you.
Option #1: Entirely New Creatures
First off, you have the option to create creatures that are entirely new. They’re not based on anything in existence, and they are all their own thing. When I think about examples of this, you’ve got the telfies from my book Bane of Ashkarith or some of the creatures in Brandon Sanderson’s works (though most modern fantasy creatures couldn’t be placed in this category, some of his could be, in my opinion.).
With the telfies from Bane of Ashkarith, they aren’t really based on any particular creature. I just kind of decided on the general appearance based on their diet and what I wanted them to be able to do. Some people have asked if they were dragons of some sort. The answer is a resounding no. (No offense to anyone who wanted them to be dragons. I like dragons, but these guys just aren’t it, and they’re not based on dragons either.) Given the fact that they have fur that can change color with their moods, a tubular body with no legs, horns, and no big nasty teeth (oh, and acid slobber if they decide they don’t like something), they’re not really based on anything recognizable. So, arguably, they’re pretty much entirely new creatures because of this. You could strip it down to basic components and claim they derived from some Earth-based animal or mythological beast, but that’s true of just about any creature.
For Sanderson’s work, the most clearly unique creature he created that doesn’t seem to be really based on anything clearly Earth-related is the chull. These are lumbering beasts with carapace covering their bodies. They’re herd animals that often get used in place of horses in terms of functionality, but that’s where the similarities in appearance pretty much end. The creatures definitely look unique. Depending on who’s doing the art and which type of chull we’re talking, some of them look sort of more like crabs than anything else, but others look as if they’re some sort of strange dinosaur with giant shells on their backs. I’ve put pictures below so you can have a better understanding on this one, but when you read the descriptions of them in the books, they definitely seem otherworldly and unique.
Axehounds are another creation from Sanderson’s Stormlight Archives that are pretty unique. On first glance, you’d think they’re basically just a type of dog, but when you get a look at the creatures, it’s hard to decide if they were based on dogs or something else. Arguably, this one isn’t quite as unique to itself as some other things, but it’s not a terrible example.

Option #2: Based On Mythological or Real Creatures
This is probably the most commonly used option for fantasy creatures. With this one, you just pick a mythological beast or a real animal from our world and tweak it so it’s different. Arguably, some would say, Sanderson’s chull are an example of this. Of course, this depends a bit upon which type of chull we’re talking about. That case could easily be made for at least the smaller varieties, at least. However, even if that example doesn’t hold true entirely to this category, there are plenty of things that do. I mean, just look at dragons. How many times have those been done? Thousands, right? And everyone has a slightly different spin on it, even if there are lots of similarities when you look at all the representations as a whole. So, they’re a perfect example of this category!
Don’t feel like creating an entirely unique creature but also don’t want to just alter the usual suspects from Earth? Combinations are probably your best bet, then. With this third and final option, you take interesting features from other animals and blend them together. (You can do the same with mythological creatures or with animals and mythological creatures.) Some combinations are going to produce some pretty odd or grotesque creatures, but if that’s your goal, it’s easy to accomplish. Otherwise, you’re going to want to choose features that go well together or animals that wouldn’t look too strange when combined.
One example of this that I can immediately think of would be the Numahi from my novel, Pathway of the Moon. This creature shows up later on in the book and is described as having somewhat feline features like those of our big cats on Earth mixed with those of a bear. An odd combination? Maybe. But the different features of a cat and bear are not so bad that they would make an ugly creature either.
The combination possibilities are literally endless though. You can come up with so many different things, and this is a ton of fun. If you’re an artist, you can sit down and just sketch up some different ideas for how to combine things to see it visually. Even if you’re not an artist, you could do this if it helps you to visualize. No one else has to see it, right? Even if you don’t do that, if you can get a good mental image on it, you should be all set because you can write the description down to help others visualize it too.
Hopefully this has been helpful to those of you wanting to create your own creatures. There’s a lot that goes into it, especially if you’re creating your own creatures, so on upcoming Saturday Setups, we’ll be talking about things like determining habitat, types of animals, and creating your creatures around what their environment and feeding habits are (since these are the two most important factors that determine what a creature will look like and what features it needs.) Until then, happy writing, and thanks for joining me on today’s Saturday Setup!