Bane of Ashkarith Blog Tour – The System of Deities

I know this has been a subject of particular interest for several Christian authors who are friends of mine. The biggest question has been, how do you handle God and deities in your books since you’re a Christian? That’s then followed up with where I draw lines with it since I am a Christian. So, we’re going to talk about the system of deities for Bane of Ashkarith as well as a little about how I usually handle the idea of other gods in my writing.

Deities in Alcardia and Bane of Ashkarith

To begin with, Bane of Ashkarith is not a Christian fantasy novel. It is written with Christian values embedded into it in many ways because no writer ever separates their beliefs entirely from their writing. My Christian worldview definitely shapes and constrains my writing differently than other worldviews would have.

But because it isn’t a Christian fantasy novel, I ran into a decision. What did I do with the idea of deities and gods in the world. After all, fantasy often involves some sort of pantheon or belief system. I could’ve left it out, but this would’ve made the world of Alcardia seem less realistic because what people group doesn’t have beliefs?

So, I chose to create religions and gods for them to worship. However, Alcardia is a bit different from the norm when it comes to its gods. Many of them never existed. People created them to explain natural phenomena, much like people have in Earth’s past when they worshiped the god of the Nile or the sun god. It allowed them a way to explain what they otherwise couldn’t.

For those that did exist, they weren’t actually gods in the first place. The lore surrounding them got started because these other beings were far more powerful than anyone could conceive of, so it was assumed they were gods. In that way, then, Alcardia really doesn’t have any gods at all. Not ones that exist or still live, anyway.

That’s how I’ve chosen to handle the situation of other gods in the various Alcardia novels. There is a One God that some of the people on Alcardia do worship, but since the planet was populated by a woman who believed she was a god, the information the people have on that god is minimal at best. This God is meant to represent the God of the Bible but isn’t referred to often because so few believe in Him or even know about Him.

General Rules of Thumb for Fantasy

But what about other novels and answering the question of dealing with pantheons when I’m a Christian? For me, I usually follow a few simple rules.

First, if the planet is entirely unconnected to Earth with Earth not even being an existing thing for the universe, I’m okay with the creation of deities. There’s no reason that this other universe wouldn’t have its own beliefs and even a creator because things don’t just start from nothing.

The second rule I follow is for those worlds that connect with Earth. If that’s the case, again, creation of a pantheon is okay, but here I don’t ever show interference or confirmation of those pantheon members’ existence. Basically, they’re just religious fabrications or people who were given more status than they should’ve been.

If there is a deity that actually interferes, then there will only be one, and that deity is meant to represent God. He may go by a different name in the world if it isn’t Earth, but it will be clear that it’s the Christian God being represented.

Usually, though, I just choose to go with bringing deities in as little as possible. They’re there to give a sense of realism and life to the world and to provide interesting cultural references or curses if needed. They may also be woven into the culture, but I never give reason to believe they’re real, as I mentioned earlier.

The final rule is for stories that take place solely on Earth. For these, I don’t create deities. First of all, there’s not much reason to because we have plenty of them to choose from already. Second, if it’s based on Earth mainly and that’s where the people are from, the only deity I’m going to show as being truly a god is the Christian God. That’s just how I do things because I’m a Christian.

Honestly, though, I haven’t really run into this one much because I rarely write fantasy that takes place on Earth. Earth may be a feature, but it usually isn’t the main setting, so the books all fall into either the first or second category.


So, that’s how I deal with the creation of gods and goddesses both in general and in the Alcardian universe. I’m happy to discuss this with people further if anyone has more specific questions. This is, as I mentioned earlier, just how I do things. I read a lot of fantasy that doesn’t adhere to these rules, but I prefer to keep things black and white morally and religiously in these ways so that no one can get confused about my worldview or what I believe.

I feel it’s the fairest representation of myself and the fairest way to be honest with readers. The goal is that no one has to wonder what the worldview or message is of the book.

I’m not trying to shove any of my beliefs down a reader’s throat, and I’m also not going to try to hide it in the story so that people swallow it without realizing they did. It is what it is, and my hope is that it’s clear and un-hidden while still allowing for the reader to enjoy the story.

At the end of the day, my goal is to write something that can be enjoyed by lovers of fantasy everywhere regardless of their beliefs. I know I can’t be all things to everyone, but I want to craft something that many people can enjoy, not just a narrow band of people.