Bane of Ashkarith Blog Tour Kickoff

This is a bit of a special post, but I wanted to let all of you know more about the launch for Bane of Ashkarith. As the title of this post indicates, I’m doing a blog tour! I’ve got lots of great authors who have graciously allowed me to do author and character interviews, Q&A’s, and other guest posts. The tour starts today and will go through to the 30th, the day right before the book launches.

I’ll be sharing the guest posts throughout the tour via my Facebook author’s page. Additionally, beginning the 29th and running through the 31st, I have a launch party going on through Facebook. There’s a great line up of authors on the schedule to share about themselves and their books, and we’re going to be having fun games with prizes at the end. So if you like reading, particularly fantasy, then head over to the event and check it out!

There will be more information about Bane of Ashkarith and the characters in upcoming posts, so keep an eye out for those during the blog tour. With that said, tomorrow I’ll be interviewing with Katie Jenkins. Be on the look out for that link and the info about it on my Facebook page and on my other writing sites. I’ll also post the link and information up here on the Fantasy Nook.