We’ve got an interview with Michaela Baker today! She’s the author of short story “Maiden of Embers” in our anthology Glimpses of Time and Magic. Thanks for being here, Michaela! Let’s jump into the questions.

Tell us a little bit about yourself.
My name is Michaela, and I’m a pharmacy technician who loves the world of fantasy.
What kind of fantasy do you write, and what got you into it?
I like to write both regular fantasy and historical fantasy.
What genres do you read, and do you write the same ones?
I like to read fiction, dystopian, and fantasy, but I only write in Fantasy. I tried writing dystopian but didn’t get the hang of it.
What are some of the things you like to do to relax?
I like to relax by listening to music, reading books, singing and play with my pup Kenai.
Can you tell us about your current work in progress?
Wow, I have so many I’m not sure which to choose, haha! Well, I will tell you about my most recently finished novel that I am still editing. Dragons of Egypt is about a promising young high school journalist who taken, along with all his school mates, to Egypt by a deranged magician who works as Pharaoh’s right hand. Now, Eldwin must team up with the people of Egypt to run off their imposter of a Pharaoh and find a way to return him along with his school mates.
If you are published, can you tell us about your experience?
Glimpses of Time and Magic is my first published work and I must say the experience has been exhilarating. Parties, running promo’s telling people to buy the book once it’s official.
What were your inspirations for writing?
My inspirations have always been my sister and a few of my favorite authors. We didn’t have the privilege to be raised under the same household, so we kept looking for outlets for us to get into together. Needless to say, we have created several and will keep creating worlds together.
Who got you into writing?
I told my sister about an idea for a story, and she stole and ran off with it. So I began writing to see if I could finish it before her and then we started to compete with other ideas, then we would role play scenes she was having trouble with and then I branched off into my own stories.
Was there anyone who came alongside you at any point when you were struggling in your writing journey and made a real difference? If so, who and why?
My sister Kelli Buffin has been by my side through it all, and I will forever be grateful.
What advice would you give to aspiring authors and writers just starting on the writing journey?
If you love what you do, then do it to the best of your ability. Also, choose a Genre you love. I forget who said it but there is a saying that goes, “Write what you love.” In other words, if you don’t love what you are writing then you won’t give it the time and effort it deserves.
What is one thing you wish someone had told you before you started on the writing journey?
What you write will affect you. You will go on many journeys of your own creation, make friends and then say goodbye to them. Writing is like a family or getting a new pet. Your characters will be there for a lifetime. Make sure they are worth the effort before you start your journey with them. Once you bring them to life you will never want to let them go.
What’s your favorite book, and who’s your favorite literary character? Why?
My favorite book is the Dragon of Starlight series by Bryan Davis and Sword of the Dragon by Scot Appleton. I love the way they describe their world and how Bryan tells one story through two different characters so that you get an idea of the timeline through both eyes. I must admit, I have adopted this style for Dragons of Egypt.
Thanks again for being here, Michaela! I enjoyed doing this, and I hope all of you reading this have learned a bit about this author and had fun with us. Until next time!