
Saturday Setup: Building Societies – Rank and Gender Factors


Last week, we discussed how language factors into your society. Now we’re going to talk about how rank and gender can play a role. There are many different ways societies deal with these two things. Just look around at the cultures around the world, and you’ll see that. So let’s take a look at some options you have.

Rank-based Societies

Rank based societies can be set up in a lot of different ways. It could be that the society is similar to Asian societies where elders and family authority figures are to be highly respected and obeyed (as a general rule of thumb). Or, perhaps, it is more a caste system like India has. The options vary and can result in a multitude of arrangements.

Once this is decided, of course, it affects all kinds of things about relationships with people. Since we talked about it last week, languages can be affected by rank. Some languages, like Japanese, use honorifics or have more formal versions of the same word to indicate great respect for those high above you in rank. This also can be done in a variety of ways, such as using prefixes or suffixes on names or using polite tenses. These are just a few options.

In the end, rank-based societies will focus entirely on whatever hierarchy has been set into place, and their rules will tend to center on it too. Many things end up being affected, so you have to consider how rank might affect your society if you choose this option.

Gender-Based Societies

On this one, it isn’t so much rank as it is which gender one is that determines honor, privilege, and part in society. This might manifest in a manner both patriarchal or matriarchal. Or, perhaps there is no organized patriarch or matriarch structure, but perhaps instead women and men have gender-specific roles and don’t step out of them.

This really doesn’t even have to be applied solely to those societies where one of the sexes is suppressed or mistreated, though it certainly could be the case. It may also apply to societies where men and women are equal but simply have different roles to play and things that their counterpart is able to do that they cannot, not because they aren’t capable but because it simply isn’t their place or concern. In this way, gender can be a basis for the society without degrading one gender or another.

Mixed Societies

Some societies may work off a system that mixes gender and rank. These societies may place the two genders into a class of jobs or roles they can play based on gender, give the genders rankings in relation to each other (ie: men outranking women or vice versa), and rank each gender against others of their own gender within the class of jobs and roles they’re filling (ie: one man outranks another within the government or a woman outranks another woman in a midwife practice.


Rank and gender typically do play some role in society. Even in a society that doesn’t focus on gender, rank does usually come into play because some sort of authority structure must be set up, and that necessitates having some people who have higher rank or authority than others. Taking the time to consider this aspect of your growing society will help to round everything out and give you a concrete idea of how the people in your story will interact with others around them.

Arguably, this is one of the most important things to figure out for your society because it affects your characters directly in how they will relate to people of the opposite sex, superiors, colleagues, and subordinates.

Have another way rank or gender can affect a society in world-building? Feel free to share it in the comments! If you have a question, feel free to leave that in the comments too. I hope this helps you and offers a sound place to start in determining these aspects of your society and culture.

Flash Fiction Fridays – Rithden

This week on Flash Fiction Fridays, the flash fiction shows what it was like for Leo to receive his power for the first time.


He sat on the doorstep of their cottage, shivering, for a few minutes. He’d given up on crying and pounding on the door after there was no answer. Father wouldn’t let him in no matter how he begged, and he had some pride even if he was six. Not that it meant much. Everyone still picked on him even when he did his best to be seen as one of the strongest kids in camp. All because he didn’t have any power. All because he was UnInherent.

And once again, he hadn’t lived up to their expectations. The adults and the kids mocked him for his sensitivity and his hatred for their disgusting practices. He stood up and started walking through the dark woods under the thin light of the moon. He glanced up at it with a sneer. That moon that everyone here worshipped. How he hated it. It was the reason why his father hurt his mother. It was why his father expected him to grow up to treat his woman that way too.

Being six didn’t mean he was stupid. He could look around and figure out that, when they visited town for supplies, the women and children there didn’t cower away from the men in fear. This wasn’t right. He clenched his fists and picked up his pace, a pressure building in his chest.

He could leave now.

His father had thrown him out and told him to come back when he was ready to act like a man instead of a blubbering little girl. He had no intention of ever being the man his father wanted him to be. His mother was right. His father’s idea of manhood was warped. His father was no man. He was a monster.

Leo paused on the path leading to the lake where he and his mother often spent their summer days. If he left, he would be deserting her. His mother had been everything good and right in his world since the day he was born. No way could he leave her with his father after what he’d just seen. But staying meant he’d have to endure his father’s abuse himself.

He raised a hand to his stinging cheek with a snarl. This night was proof of that. After slapping him, his father had turned him out. It wouldn’t get better. Violence ran like blood through his father’s veins. And he couldn’t stop him yet. He was too small, too weak.

The ache and pulsing, stabbing pain in his chest grew. He pressed his palm to the spot over his heart with a hiss and rubbed it. Why did it hurt so badly? In his soul, the pain and horror he’d felt at seeing his father’s behavior tonight welled to the surface and blended with white-hot anger. His fingers dug into his skin through the thin cloth of his tunic. His father should pay. He should die for what he’d done.

He took another step on that road, deeper into the shadows beyond their house. The pain in his chest faltered then flared higher, accompanied by a searing under his skin. He staggered and stumbled into a tree on the side of the path. What was happening to him?

The shadows around him swam, and he shook his head. Surely he hadn’t been hit that hard? His father had made certain he learned just how to throw a punch so it would bruise, maybe even break bones, but not kill. Not the kind of thing he’d wanted to learn, but it was handy now. He rubbed at the spot where the pain centered just under his sternum and groaned. A hit to the head wouldn’t cause this.

He lurched forward one more step into the swaying, rippling shadows and collapsed. Fire licked through every nerve, and he curled into a ball with a scream. A ringing filled his ears, and he sucked in a breath. As he did, the darkness around him swirled and poured into him on every side. White heat pressed behind his eyes, and he released another scream before rolling onto his back. His chest heaved, and he coughed. The darkness pressing in around him came from within now, drowning him and choking him.

But still he drew it in, unable to stop. He sensed something else now too. Beneath his fingers, the grass wilted then withered. Cold slipped into him to ease the raging inferno, and he exhaled, his muscles relaxing. The darkness sighed out of him with his release of breath, and the heat receded, leaving behind only a tingle of warmth. He closed his eyes with a sob. What had that been? What kind of freak was he? 

He dug his fingers into the withered grass, opened his eyes, and sat up. On every side of the path, tiny winged forms lay still. The moon shimmered off iridescent wings of loraidhs and glowed in the blue plumage of the tails of kytlets. Cold fingers crept down his spine, and he stiffened. That glow inside him came from those birds. He bit the inside of his cheek until he tasted blood. He had stolen their very life force without even a touch. What was he? He stared down at his hands. Hands that should be bloody with all the death he’d caused tonight.

He stood on shaky legs. If he’d killed these birds, had he killed anything else? How far had this explosion of arcane darkness spread? His feet stumbled into motion, carrying him forward back toward the cabin before his mind had registered what he was doing. The lights still glowed, and he could see two shapes moving behind the curtains of the living room.

Leo collapsed on his knees with a tremulous sob. She was alive. He hadn’t killed her. His hands shook, and he glanced back at the forest. He might not have killed her tonight, but if he wasn’t careful, if he didn’t find a way to control whatever this was, he might in the future. His fingers dug into the damp earth of the path. His father might be a monster, but after tonight, he wasn’t so certain he’d fallen far from the tree.


That’s it for this week! If you guys have something specific you’d like to see on here, let me know! I’m always up for suggestions, so feel free to leave a comment for me.

Work-In-Progress Wednesdays #18

We’re back this week for a sneak peek at some of the newest content for In Darkness Lost, which releases in paperback sometime in September (if I can manage to get it formatted in a way Amazon won’t mess up by then. Lol.) and in Kindle as soon as I’ve done one last comb-through for spelling and grammar.


CRYPT was in his room stretched out in his usual spot on his black-clothed bed reading a book. He looked up when Dairdra came in, his exquisite, ageless hazel eyes shifting colors as the sunlight filtered across them. His long, black lashes seemed to glitter in the sun. Dairdra paused in the doorway and observed him for a long moment. How long had she known him? It seemed like ages. But the feelings that welled up at seeing him now were unlike any she’d experienced before. Relief mingled with longing, but longing for what? For his comfort and support? Or for something more?

She’d liked him for years now, so the strange pang of wistfulness was nothing new. But the keenness of that longing had never been quite like this. She bit her lip and looked away. Her entire body felt too hot, and she tugged at her collar. What had she come here for, again?

“Dairdra?” His soft voice brushed over her like a caress. “Did you need something?”

Did she? Yes. But she wasn’t entirely sure what she needed. “I…I, uh, came to ask you to take a walk with me.”

“Really?” He flipped onto his back and sat up.

“My father told me to ask.”

He swung his legs over the edge of the bed and stood. “And you wouldn’t have asked if he hadn’t told you?”

“Well…I guess I would’ve.” She wrapped her arms around herself and stepped back. Her back struck the door, and she stopped. She had no reason to run from him. But she suddenly felt bare in front of him, as if his searching gaze could see everything she didn’t want the rest of the world to see. She couldn’t decide if that made her feel uncomfortable or safe. Her mind seemed to think it was uncomfortable because she’d moved without thinking.

He stepped closer, a smile playing on his lips. “So, what’s the real reason you’re here?”

“I don’t know.”

“You do.”

“I…” She bit her lip and pressed her palms to the door behind her. “I’m not sure.”

He smiled, and his hand rose before dropping back to his side. Even in private, he was careful not to push her or break limits. His smile took on a sadder note. “Your father wasn’t much comfort, I take it?”

She ducked her head and sighed. He’d already figured out what she didn’t want to admit to herself. She wanted comfort, and since she hadn’t gotten it from the one person she’d hoped to receive it from, she’d come to the only person she knew she could trust. At least he wouldn’t turn the cold shoulder. She loved her father, but the relationship was too distant. She still wanted his attention, but for as much as she hoped for it, she knew better than to expect it. So, she’d come to Crypt, knowing he was the only person whom she could trust to comfort her. She probably should’ve come straight to him instead of bothering to look for it from her father first.

She’d already known that he would take her grief and pain, and he would shoulder it with her instead of leaving her to drown in darkness and fear. Hadn’t he always been the one she went to when things weren’t going well and her mother was too busy? He’d been her support and confidante since she was thirteen years old and they first became friends. Now it seemed as natural to take it to him as it was to talk to her mother about it. And as usual, he might as well be a mind reader because he knew what she was thinking before she understood it herself. She truly didn’t appreciate him enough. “No, he wasn’t.”


That’s it for this week. What are you guys working on? Share with us all in the comments below! I’d love to hear about it.

Sunday Sub-Genres: Weird Fantasy


This week, we’re going to talk about weird fantasy. Weird fantasy is a little bit more of an odd genre, but it’s no less popular for it. People who like fantasy and horror will likely find that they enjoy weird fantasy. So let’s take a look.

Defining Weird Fantasy

Weird fantasy is a sub-genre of speculative fiction that started with H.P. Lovecraft. Pinning down exactly what the genre is can be a bit difficult since it’s a mix of several things. Generally speaking, weird fantasy is a blend between horror, paranormal, and fantasy genres. However, it isn’t uncommon for the genre to include strange, nontraditional aliens, so science fiction can be blended in as well.

The genre typically avoids the typical players in the paranormal scene, such as vampires, werewolves, and ghosts, or vastly reinvents them for the purposes of the genre. So if you’re looking for these features in the genre, you won’t find them. At least, not as you may have expected to.

It should be noted that weird fantasy is neither horror or Gothic fantasy but is instead something entirely different that cannot be classified in either genre. This is likely owing to the blending of horror, paranormal, fantasy, and sci-fi.

Writing Weird Fantasy

Weird fantasy can describe a lot of things, but let’s take a look at how you can write any type of weird fiction by using the main elements and moods of weird fiction.

Main Elements of Every Weird Fantasy

Before we jump into the four types of weird fiction or fantasy, let’s cover the basic elements that are present in all of them. First, every weird fantasy must contain some aspect of underlying horror or abnormality, usually in the form of some object or entity. Second, it should contain the general effects of horror. Third, it needs an object to focus or embody the horror or abnormality with. Fourth, it should contain the appropriate fear responses to the horror. And fifth and finally, it should contain the effects of the horror on the given situation.

Mood and Focus #1

The first type is one where the mood and focus is one how the marvel or horror relates to some event, condition, or phenomenon. Usually, these types of weird fantasy work well with a mood focused on a general situation, condition, legend, or intellectual subject. It can also work well with a mood that expresses a pictorial concept.

Mood and Focus #2

The second type focuses on the actions of people in response to the marvel or phenomenon. This one works better with a mood expressing a specific feeling or a mood that expresses a specific dramatic situation or climax.

Pivotal Points of Weird Fantasy

No matter what, weird fantasy should always have a focus on the effects of the weird on the world. The truly weird cannot fail to have an impact, and if people in your novel treat it as though it doesn’t or as if it is commonplace, it ceases to be weird and becomes poorly written as a result.


Weird fantasy is definitely a bit of a strange genre within speculative fiction and fantasy. However, for those who enjoy clear horror aspects blended with fantasy, paranormal, and sci-fi, weird fantasy is a great genre to write. If you’re thinking about experimenting with it, the aspects discussed above should be a good starting place for you to do so. So now, all that remains is to go do it.

Further Reading and Resources

Disclaimer: I don’t really read much in the way of weird fantasy, so none of the books below are ones I’m going to suggest for children since weird fantasy can get pretty dark and I haven’t read any of them.

H.P Lovecraft’s Call of Cthulu and Other Weird Stories

Arthur Machen’s The White People

Laird Barron’s The Imago Sequence

Flash Fiction Fridays: Stirring Up Trouble

This week, on Flash Fiction Friday, we get a glimpse at the event that caused Yuldha, from Warrior Queen on a previous Flash Fiction Friday, to have to defend her city from invasion.


He should have known she wouldn’t agree. How could he be dumb enough to believe she’d say yes when her people had left his kingdom long ago, back when it was better than it was now? Since Elventar had been established by previous citizens of Aleshtain, they’d watched in abject horror as the countries just over the mountains that separated them from the world struggled to fend off the attacks of Aleshtain. The country they’d chosen to break off from so forcefully had become more and more aggressive as it became increasingly depraved.

She regarded King Myranor of Aleshtain with a neutral look. No smile, but also no frown. Let him think of it what he would. Once he’d made the request officially and taken the guessing out of it, she’d formally ensure that he understood exactly what she thought of his proposal.

He opened his puffy lips, a sly glint in his eye. “Lady Yuldha.”

She gritted her teeth, refused to answer such a rude greeting. If he wanted to be that way, two could play. She’d be rude too, as childish as it seemed. But she wasn’t in the mood to humor him in his idiotic games. He could either act as the diplomat he was supposed to be on this envoy, or he could leave her hall before he’d even had a chance to speak.

“My Lady…” Myranor cleared his throat. “I have come to make a proposal that I feel would be beneficial for both of us.”

For him, maybe. Not for her. Being shackled to a man who would never treat her as an equal, much less human, would never do. She wasn’t a woman who insisted upon trying to do all that a man could do or even one who insisted that men let her try. It simply wasn’t sensible to her. She knew her limits, knew there were things she couldn’t do. But she did demand respect and equality. Just because she couldn’t some things did not mean she couldn’t do others men could not. And it certainly didn’t mean she was inferior. “I haven’t got all day, Myranor.”

“Yes, well… I came to ask if you would do me the honor of giving me your hand in marriage.”


He blinked. “I beg your pardon?”

Perhaps he was deaf as well as stupid. “No.”

“You do realize that a marriage between us—”

“Would be insufferable? Yes, I do. That’s why it’s a no.” She rose from her throne with a thin smile.

“I think you’re being a bit premature about this. You wouldn’t want to make a hasty decision and land yourself in a war, would you?” Myranor crossed his arms.

“Is that a threat, Sire? Because if it is, I think it is you who ought not to be premature. Do you forget who you are dealing with?” She lifted her chin. “If you have, I can remind you. I believe I was the one who sent your fool of a son packing when he tried to take advantage of one of my Maidens. That’s another count against you too, I’m afraid. Too many wives. And I don’t want to share.”

“Pity.” His upper lip curled, all pretense of being nice gone.

“Not really. I’m just glad if it helps you understand how vastly unsuited we are.”

“Is it your habit to be this undiplomatic with all suitors who visit you, madam?”

She laughed. “Certainly not. I only act this way when I’m disrespected in my own household and then asked to sell myself off like chattel. How would you like me to respond, sir?”

He narrowed his eyes then turned to go. “Mark my words, Yuldha. You will regret this.”

“Maybe. But maybe not. It was lovely seeing you again, Myranor. Don’t let the door hit you in the rump on the way out, would you?” She knew she shouldn’t goad him like this, but some part of her couldn’t help adding, “I wouldn’t want my nicely polished doors soiled. I’m fairly sure the oily stench of scum would never wash out.”

He shot her a nasty glare over his shoulder, his face mottled red, but he let his adviser hustle him out the door. As soon as it slammed shut behind him, she slumped back down in her throne with a sigh. War would definitely follow on the heels of this meeting. Too bad. She hadn’t intended for it to go so badly, had even intended to be somewhat gentle in  her letdown. But Myranor hadn’t allowed for it. So now they were in a quandry. Lovely. Well, she’d just have to find a way to win, she supposed. Knowing Myranor, that could prove to be a challenge.


That’s it for this week! I hope you all enjoyed. If you have something you’d like to see on Flash Fiction Fridays, feel free to leave the idea in the comments below or send me an email!

Work-In-Progress Wednesdays #17

For this week, I’ve got another section from Trader Prince of Aleshtain to share. In this excerpt, Eras Dhiabhan is struggling to figure out how to deal with the slave he acquired and is finding it more difficult than he anticipated.


The door flew open, and he lost his balance. Stumbling back, he landed on the floor. With a grimace, he shook off the pain. But he remained sitting on the floor for a minute. Stone floors were such a nuisance when one took a spill. He glanced up at Rhubhian with a sigh. She stared back down at him, her lower lip caught between her teeth. She didn’t seem to know what to do because she just stood there with fear in her eyes and hunched shoulders. He stretched out on the floor with a weary laugh. “Maybe leaning on the door was a bad idea.”

Rhubhian frowned. “You are not…angry?”

Eras pinched the bridge of his nose. “No. Just surprised. You’re finished changing.” He eyed the clothes she was wearing. Still far too revealing. He sat up and pushed himself to his feet. “But you can’t wear that.”

“It is not pleasing?”

It was. And that was the problem. “No. You can wear one of my shirts until I can have the castle seamstress make you new clothes.”

She ducked her head and refused to look at him. Was she embarrassed by her lack of clothing? Hurt that he didn’t like what she had on? Or was something else wrong that he hadn’t even guessed at yet? Women were so confusing. “Is something the matter?”

Rhubhian shook her head, but she still didn’t look at him.

Something was wrong, then. He turned away with a sigh. Women. He just couldn’t understand them. Squaring his shoulders, he stalked to the dresser and pulled out the first shirt he found. It was made from a soft white fabric, and while it might be slightly see-through due to her darker complexion, it should serve its purpose. He turned back to her. “You can have this.”She nodded and took a step forward to take it. He watched her unfold it and run her thumbs over the seams. Was she unhappy with it? Her gaze met his, and her cheeks grew dusky with a blush. “It is too nice for a slave, yes?”

He frowned. “No. It isn’t. If I can wear it, then why shouldn’t you?”“I am not a prince.”

“No, but you are a human being.” He crossed his arms. “I don’t want to hear you degrade yourself in front of me ever again. Just wear the shirt.” Why did she have to be so stubborn? Didn’t she understand that she had value, slave or not? Probably not thanks to the treatment she’d received up to this point. He would lose faith in his own value too if he’d been through what she likely had endured.

She tugged the shirt on over her head. “Thank you.”

“I haven’t really done anything.”

“You have honor. It is…rare?” Her brow creased. “Valuable, I think you say.”

“Yes. I suppose so. But it isn’t around here. Not anymore.”


That’s all for this week, everyone! Do you have a section of your work-in-progress you want to share? If so, as always, feel free to post it in the comments below! I’d love to see what you’re all up to as well.

Saturday Setups: Building Societies – Language Factors


One factor in world-building that can take up a significant amount of time is language. Language has a huge impact on culture and society. It’s how we communicate with each other, after all. The amount of time you spend on this obviously depends. Some writers build entire languages to use in their series while others opt to simply invent names that have a feeling of cohesiveness. Wherever you fall on the spectrum, this post will help you get started.

Naming Schemes

One of the important things about language is that, often, names have some similar cadence to them. Languages that are a melting pot of lots of other languages, like English, may not mirror this, but it can be seen in languages like Japanese or Chinese.


One factor in world-building that can take up a significant amount of time is language. Language has a huge impact on culture and society. It’s how we communicate with each other, after all. The amount of time you spend on this obviously depends. Some writers build entire languages to use in their series while others opt to simply invent names that have a feeling of cohesiveness. Wherever you fall on the spectrum, this post will help you get started.

Naming Schemes

One of the important things about language is that, often, names have some similar cadence to them. Languages that are a melting pot of lots of other languages, like English, may not mirror this, but it can be seen in languages like Japanese or Chinese.

You can use a variety of techniques to give names similar sounds. I’ll discuss three below.

Method #1

Use a set letter combination as a suffix on each name.

This method involves choosing a consistent suffix for a name. Depending on how complex you want it to be, you can use a different suffix for male and female names. Or, if you want to simplify it, you can use the same suffix for names regardless of gender.

Method #2

Use a set letter combination as a prefix on each name.

This one is a little less of a common method, but it can work if you choose it. It may be an easier method for creating a differentiation between male and female names.

Method #3

Use common sounds.

To give names a sense of cohesiveness, you can choose a few combinations of sounds, whether consonants or vowels, and use those combinations regularly in names from the same culture. For example, I like to use dh (pronounced th or as a hard d sound, depending on the dialect), bh (a vee sound), and Si (Shee) in a lot of my names, particularly ones using Wyrdhan, a language commonly spoken on Alcardia.

You can do a similar thing with your names for people or even places. I’ve used mine in names for people such as Dhiabhan, Rhubhian, and Alabhor or for place names such as Dhubarin (old name used for Dubarin in Banach’s day).

Method #4

Use a blend of them all.

This one is more complicated, but you can use a combination of them all. For example, you might use different prefixes to indicate the gender of the names, a suffix to indicate common languages, and a combination of different sounds to further add to the feeling of cohesiveness.

These are the main methods for naming, but there is also the choice to just name randomly. That isn’t discussed here because you can easily figure that one out, and the goal of this article is to help you to understand how you can use language to provide a sense of culture and differences in society. Naming randomly doesn’t have quite the same impact in those areas, so I haven’t covered it.

Building Languages

There’s a lot I could go over in this specific area. Building a language isn’t the easiest process, and it certainly requires a lot of thought. I’ll go over a few of the basic things to consider, but my recommendation is that, if you’d like to try your hand at building a language, you use Holly Lisle’s Build a Language ebook. I use it and her process is thorough, well-explained, and provides you with templates to use. I’ll provide the links and info for that at the end of this section.

Starting with the Basics

Usually, when building a language, I like to start by determining what sounds and sound combinations will be available. To make your life easier, I recommend deleting some of the sounds available to us from your language. For Wyrdhan, when I was working on creating it, I chose not to make Z an available letter. (Obviously, other languages might use it, or perhaps a dialect could introduce it, but the base language doesn’t have it.) I also added the consonant blends dh, dr, st, sh, sv, hs, bh, bv, wy, and kept ng.

You get the idea. Basically, figure out what sounds you want to add and what you want to get rid of before you do anything else. After you’ve done that, then you can move on.

After I do that, I like to figure out what I have for prefixes and suffixes. In my case, I chose to use suffixes for both my nouns and my verbs to indicate what the words do or the era they came from. This is, perhaps, more complex than I needed to make it, but I kind of pulled language-structure ideas from a variety of languages, including Japanese, English, Italian, and Dutch.

Which leads me to my next topic with the basics. You can use structures from languages we speak here on Earth to create your fantasy race’s language. It may make your life a bit easier in some cases to see how other languages handle things like nouns, verbs, sentence structure, tense, suffixes, and more. Modeling on real life helps us in so many other aspects of fiction, so why not here?

At this point, with the suffixes and prefixes nailed down, you have more than enough to start naming things with a semblance of organization and cohesiveness. You don’t need anything more than your sounds list, prefixes and suffixes, and a general idea of whatever other naming rules you may wish to have. However, this concept can be taken much further to include various cases, sentence parts, tenses, and conjugations of cases. How complex you make it is up to you.

Holly Lisle’s Build a Language Clinic

Holly Lisle has a variety of writing clinics available on Amazon as ebooks. I own several, and one of the ones I own is all about building a language. If you visit her site as well, you can provide them with proof of purchase on the ebook and gain access to the templates you need to go with it. This is the best way to go about it since the actual course can be pricey. I believe the course provides a little extra help for those who feel they can’t do it with just the instructions in the ebook, but I felt it wasn’t worth it.

The ebook lays things out as clearly as it can, though I can’t promise it’ll be entirely easy to understand since it can get down into the nitty gritty aspects of languages and building one. If you’re only interested in creating some nice names that feel like they could belong to the same language, use what I’ve provided here. You won’t find much else that’s new or helpful from her clinic. But if you want to really go the whole way and create your own language, pick up a copy of the ebook here. The website for claiming the templates is here, and I believe she explains how to claim the templates in the ebook. If not, you just go to the help desk and create a support ticket, then provide them with the information they request for it.


I know this a ton of information to process. Building a language can feel overwhelming. I know because that’s exactly how it felt to me. But really, it’s also a very rewarding challenge to take on. I enjoyed it once I took a breath, decided that everything didn’t have to be perfect, and just chose to love the process of creating something.

Now, I’m a bit of a language-learning nut case. My parents had me do two years of Latin in 5th and 6th grade, and I’ve been hooked on language-learning ever since. I speak none of them fluently or even well, but I spent about a year studying Spanish and Portuguese, a semester each on Italian and German, and am now studying Japanese. I’m even doing a little Romanian in preparation for my missions trip to Romania at the beginning of September.

So I’ve learned the language structures for quite a few different languages, and it helps tremendously. But that isn’t necessary to succeed at creating your own language. Google is an awesome way to find out more about languages and their structures if you want inspiration.

Above all, do what you feel is needed for your book. Anything more than that should be just for fun and pure enjoyment. It shouldn’t be something you stress about. It’s your language, so there really isn’t a right or wrong about it.

As usual, feel free to ask questions in the comments or leave your own tips and tricks if you like to build languages for your books. I’d love to see what others do in this area.

Flash Fiction Fridays – Her Greatest Joy

This particular piece is about Leo’s mother Anne. She shows up on and off in Pathway of the Moon and will be mentioned in the following books in the series. Today’s piece is about the first time she ever saw her son.


Anne pressed her head back against the pillow with a ragged scream. The midwife pressed a cool palm against her hot thigh and told her to push harder. She could tell the baby was almost here, and she wondered, briefly, if it would be a boy or a girl. The midwife here didn’t have the ability to tell like some did. She was only able to tell that the baby was happy and healthy. Many times, Anne had conjectured on the baby’s gender.

If it was a boy, Caladhor would be happy. He’d likely ruin the boy though. Just like every father in this cursed place, he’d warp her son’s view of women and teach him to treat her and the rest of her sex as if they were worthless. That part she hated. But what could she do? Cal had the right to raise any child of theirs how he saw fit. That was the law in this commune, and it wasn’t as if she could take the baby and run. With the woods on every side, she would never make it. Not without help, and no one here would help.

She pushed again with a breathless wail of pain.

If it was a girl, though, she couldn’t be sure how Caladhor would take it. He’d probably knock their daughter around once she was older too. Gods only knew who he’d sell her off to once she was of marriagable age. But he’d promised her that they’d keep her children, whether they were boys or girls. Caladhor kept his promises, though he made very few of them.

There was one last cramping pain that shuddered through her, and then with a final push, she felt the baby leave her body to enter the world for the first time since conception. She lifted her head with a groan. “Is it a girl or a boy, Ardhia?”

“A boy.” Ardhia hurried to a tiny basin of water and began washing the tiny, wrinkled figure off.

The baby let loose a loud scream and began to cry. Anne slumped back against the pillows with a smile. “Well, he sounds healthy, at least.”

“Caladhor will be pleased, I’m sure. Your firstborn, and it was a son. Ishtral certainly smiled on you both.” Ardhia bustled over and placed a swaddled bundle in her arms. “There, see? He’s healthy as can be. Bright red hair just like his mama, too.”

Anne laughed and brushed her fingertips through the baby’s thatch of thin hair. “Maybe he’ll take after me in other ways too.”

“Who knows?” Ardhia winked. “Pray hard enough, and he might. Spoil him a bit when Caladhor isn’t paying attention.  Make sure his father’s rod and harsh voice isn’t all he ever hears. Then maybe there’s hope yet.” The old woman’s tone was light, but her eyes carried a heavy weight.

Anne stared down at the sleepy baby with his bright, blue-green eyes. They reminded her of a tranquil ocean. She smiled at the baby and was rewarded with a coo and a gurgling laugh. Maybe, just maybe, she would be able to change things. Maybe this baby would grow up into a man she could be proud of despite the environment. She pressed a soft kiss to the baby’s wrinkly forehead.

“What’s his name going to be?”


“That’s a mouthful. What’s it mean?”

“In my people’s tongue, it means Defiance from the Shadows. I’ll call him Leo for short.” Her tiny smile grew. “Because I hope that’s what he’ll be in this dark place. A bit of defiance from the shadow that covers this commune.”

Ardhia patted her shoulder and began to clean up the birthing room. “Just you keep hoping. One day, maybe, he’ll live up to that name.”


That’s it for this week, everyone! If you’ve got a suggestion for what you’d like to see in future Flash Fiction Fridays, feel free to drop me a comment here or shoot me an email! I’m always open to suggestions.

Work-In-Progress Wednesdays #16

This week, I have an excerpt from my newest work-in-progress to share. Trader Prince of Aleshtain is the second book in the Legends of Alcardia series. It follows the story of Captain Dhiabhan, who was introduced in Bane of Ashkarith. This is from the opening scene of the book.


Eras tried not to toy with the hem of his tunic while he waited for the day’s events to begin. Why had he come to court today, again? Right. His father had insisted. He shot his father a hard glare from where he stood behind the throne. Didn’t even have the decency to have a chair, let alone a proper throne, erected for his heir. His scowl deepened, and his gut clenched. Worse still, he was here just so he could watch the slave masters parade their newest wares about for his father.
Anything for Rabhor Thilain.

His stomach flipped. Which unlucky girl would end up in his father’s harem this afternoon? He closed his eyes, swallowing back bile. He just hoped it would be over soon. The five minutes they’d been waiting stretched out until it felt like twenty. How much longer until he could be done with this? Sweat trickled down his back, and he glanced at his father.

The doors finally swung open just as he couldn’t take any more. The page strode in and bowed stiffly. Eras eyed the man’s ballooning pants and striped shoes. The newest fashion in court? Ridiculous as usual.

“My liege, the merchants have brought their wares for your examination.” The page stepped to the side and nodded to the men waiting a few feet down the hall.

They made it sound so benign. As if they weren’t trafficking humans. They used nice, pretty words to hide the ugly, vicious truth. Typical. His attention fixed on the slaves being prodded into the room. He let his gaze wander over the row of women. His eyes snagged on the last woman in line. Two guards flanked her, holding her arms and dragging her in. The others before her had walked in placidly, their heads down and shoulders slumped.

But not this one. Each step, she took was controlled and tightly contained as if she would burst into flight at any moment. She walked between her captors with her head held high, a glower on her pretty features. It was as if she was born a goddess and was disgusted by the banality of the humans beneath her. That made him snicker. Maybe he should take up poetry.

His father glared at him, and he sobered, returning his focus to the line of slaves. He shifted from one foot to the other. Where was she from? Not from any of the mainland kingdoms. Perhaps from one of the colonies Argos had established on the Rithweald? No, not with that complexion. Her blue-black hair reminded him more of the ambassadors from Faelkish. Strange. How had they captured her?

She met his gaze with her smoldering gold eyes. Swallowing, he glanced over at his father. The man’s gaze had also settled on the girl with defiance in her eyes. Rith curse him! He’d ruin the girl. Eras gritted his teeth and clenched his fists at his sides. Yes, his father would destroy her.
But what was he to do about it? Forcing his fists to relax, he stared at the polished wooden doors behind the traders. He couldn’t intervene here.

The slave traders’ ring leader stepped forward, his head still bowed in respect. “Your Eminence, do you see anything you like?”

His father’s gaze raked over the line of slaves. “You brought me a rather dull lot this time.”

Dull? Eras raised a brow. None of them appeared dull to him. Unless, by dull his father meant they had no will. That, at least, was true.

“Surely there is something that can interest you? We have, for instance, this lovely young woman from Brithos. She was taken on a recent raid.” The trader gestured to a green-eyed slip of a girl.

Barely fifteen, Eras guessed.

“Or perhaps you prefer a bit more exotic option.” The slaver turned to the woman who’d been last in line. “We have this one from Faelkish. She’s a bit of a hellion, but I’m sure your Grace could tame her.”

Did he really have to be so smug? Eras clenched his fists at his sides. No one should tame her at all. How dare they speak this way about human beings?

“Let the Crown Prince choose first.” His father waved a hand at him.

He froze. Let him pick? His father knew he wouldn’t take a slave. The defiant girl’s gaze fixed on his again. He swallowed and broke eye contact. Had he imagined the hope in her eyes? “I see nothing of interest.” He peeked at the girl from beneath lowered lashes.

Her shoulders slumped, and her eyes darted to his father.

“Well, I see only one that I like. I’ll take the Faelkish—”

Eras’s heart wrenched, and his chest tightened. He could stop this. He could keep at least one safe from his father. Maybe. He stepped forward, holding up a hand. “Wait!”

His father shifted on his throne and raised a brow with a huff. “What is it?”

“I—” Eras met her now-blank stare. “I’ve changed my mind. Maybe it’s time I took on a slave or two after all.”

“And?” Rabhor drummed his fingers on the arm of his chair.

“I’m heir to the throne…” He stared at the girl. She’d probably hate him for what he was about to say, but it was the only way to save her from Rabhor’s clutches. “It’s about time I built my harem. The future God-king incarnate shouldn’t be without wives and concubines.” He hoped there was a suitable amount of contempt in his voice. Hoped his father would know that even in this, Eras was mocking him.

The answering frown told him the last comment had done its job. He bit his lip and glanced at the girl in green. Her expression went from hopeful to vacant. But a spark of anger still simmered in her empty stare. His gut clenched, and he tried not to think about how she must view him now. A necessary evil.

He offered his father a saccharine smile. “As such, I’d like the Faelkishian girl.”


That’s it for this week! Do you guys have anything you’re working on? If so, feel free to share in the comments below as always!

Sunday Sub-Genres: Arcanepunk Fantasy


Arcanepunk is one of those sub-genres of fantasy that mixes multiple aspects of different genres together. This can make it an interesting genre to work with if you enjoy mixing parts from different genres or sub-genres together. If you aren’t fond of doing that and prefer something that’s very cut-and-dry, however, this may not be the genre for you. That said, let’s take a look!

Defining Arcanepunk Fantasy

Arcanepunk fantasy is an intriguing mix of science and magic. Often, the world may feel very old fashioned and can borrow from steampunk or other fantasy genres that have a more archaic feel to them. However, the technology itself is typically 19th century or higher in its advancement, and the people generally have access to it. Not everyone will be studied in it like a wizard or scientist might be, but they have a general knowledge that can be utilized in daily life.

The other interesting point that arcanepunk focuses on is the way magic and science have developed together. This is the genre where you’ll see crystal power sources replacing coal or glyphs replacing electricity in a device. This makes for quite an interesting combination of magic and science in the devices people use on a daily basis.

Writing Arcanepunk Fantasy

When it comes to writing arcanepunk, authors are faced with a few unique challenges. Let’s take a look at a few.

Magic and Tech Development

The first challenge facing writers is the unique combination of magic and technology. To begin with, anyone writing arcanepunk has to choose what level of magic and tech their world will possess. But in doing so, they also have to remember that magic and technology developed together. So, they have to determine how magic will be interwoven with the technology that people use on a daily basis. This may involve replacement of power sources with magical powerhouses or spells to power sections of an otherwise technological device. Or perhaps the entire device needs magic to operate but is built entirely with machinery and technology?

This is what an author of arcanepunk has to think about. It’s similar to steampunk in that sense since steampunk also requires a writer to determine how to weave two systems that otherwise wouldn’t coexist together. But this can also make arcanepunk a lot of fun to work with because it provides boundless opportunities for invention and creation to go on while building the world. 


Unlike steampunk, which is limited to Victorian-style settings, arcanepunk can be used in almost any type of setting. The genre often does take on an old-fashioned feel, as I mentioned earlier, but it doesn’t have to and it isn’t limited to only Victorian-style settings. This leaves you quite a bit of leeway to create your world in an arcanepunk fantasy novel.

Those who don’t like being restricted by the setting requirements of steampunk but still prefer an old-fashioned feel with magic and science intertwined may like arcanepunk for precisely the freedom this allows. The sub-genre may be more obscure, but it’s definitely more broad with more freedom to experiment and explore. Additionally, for those of you who love sci-fi and fantasy, this is a nice in-between since it blends the two. So, there is that.

Institutions and Governments

Since your society is one that possesses both tech and magic on a level that makes it easy for the average Joe to use it, it makes sense that there would be governments to regulate the use of it. Governments would be more concerned about regulating how the tech and magic is used to avoid mass weaponizing of inventions.

On the other hand, if your society has all this stuff, someone has to build it, and they had to learn somewhere. So institutions for learning magic and technology are also frequent features in arcanepunk. These institutions are the drivers behind the world’s leading scientists and magicians because they trained those people. Not only that, they may do a lot of research themselves since they have so many smart people gathered in one place to teach society’s brightest students. 

The impact of governmental and institutional rule will vary depending on the arcanepunk story and its focus, but this is a factor that can heavily impact the world and how it develops, so take some time to consider it. Even if the government or institution doesn’t factor in directly, it can have a long-reaching arm that impacts the story indirectly.


That’s it on arcanepunk, everybody! Next time, we’ll be taking a look at weird fantasy, a sub-genre that heads an entirely different direction. But for now, as usual, I have a list of further reading materials for interested parties! If you have a question or a suggestion for me regarding Sunday Sub-Genres, feel free to leave a comment below. I’m always open for questions and suggestions.

Further Reading and Resources

**Randall Garrett’s Too Many Magicians

Terry Prachett’s Discworld series (Suitable for mid-to-older teens. Not meant for younger children, really, though individual books may be alright.)

**Margaret Weis and Tracy Hickman’s Darksword Trilogy

Jonathan Stroud’s Bartimaeus Trilogy (Children’s fantasy)