New Release – Light’s Insurgent

new release cover

Hey everyone! Ariel here with an update. Light’s Insurgent, the sequel to my release Shadow’s Dissident earlier this year, is now live on Amazon! I’m very excited to present to you the final book in my Children of Chaos duology. It’s a great feeling to have a complete series done and published, especially within less than a year. As with the last book, I want to provide readers with an idea of what to expect from this second book, though if you read the first through to the end, you should already know there were hints at some really big stuff going on behind the scenes.

For those who haven’t read Shadow’s Dissident, you can find the new release announcement and info about it here. Unlike my Legends of Alcardia series, this one cannot be read in any order, so you’ll want to pick up book one first. Both books are free on KU if you read that way, but they’re also available with Kindle and on paperback through Amazon if you read one of those ways.

For everyone else, onward to book two! This book fulfills the promise of a tangled web of secrets that book one hinted at toward the end. It also ties up loose ends and brings onboard V, a character who was introduced as a mystery/wild card in book one. Now, as I noted with book one, this book is not your typical YA dystopian fantasy novel. I’m not going to give you a sniveling, cringy heroine who starts strong and falls apart in book two. Personally, nothing irritates me more as a woman than a strong female lead who has promise and is really relatable but then falls off the wagon with no warning in book two. I’m not going to write something that I find obnoxious myself, and I certainly wouldn’t ask a reader to pay to read that! So if you like characters who are strong but human, that’s what you’ll find here.

Gwen really takes on the challenges in both books head on, but in the second book, readers will get to see her growing and adapting as she learns to meet those challenges with more wisdom and decorum than she sometimes had in book one. So she does change and grow, and of course, like anyone would, she struggles with the difficult situations she’s in, particularly since she often has to face them without Sheppard’s strength to support her. Readers can also expect to see Sheppard growing as he has to face his own insecurities and fears about his relationship with Gwen and the new secrets that he’s uncovering as he works with the Coalition to topple Oblivion.

This book is much more complex than book one was. There’s more building out of the societal structures and magic system of the world, as readers were hoping to see in book one, but the majority of the book focuses on the plot to bring down Oblivion and what the various characters are doing in relation to it. Readers will find that the book brings everything to a conclusion that leaves everyone’s journeys tied up.

For those of you who have been reading or will read the series, I am happy to announce that there will be a companion series. Healer of Alcardia is a high fantasy trilogy that focuses on V, the character introduced in book one and brought into the main cast in book two of the Children of Chaos duology. Her story is the only one that doesn’t fully conclude in this series, so if you enjoyed her character in this duology, rest assured you’ll be seeing more of her in the future! I am currently working on book one, Healer of Shadow, and I hope to have that out come the middle of this year.

Finally, as usual with my new release announcements, I want to take a moment to provide a bit of info on what sort of content you should expect for parents who want an idea of whether this is appropriate for their child.

While this is YA appropriate, as was book one, it does deal with difficult and sometimes dark themes. It’s certainly a bit darker than the first book because the characters are growing and facing growing dangers/difficulties with Oblivion. However, I approach all of my work with the concept that, while young people should not be sheltered from evil’s existence, the goal should be to present it as evil and in a form that is appropriate to their age. This means that, depending on the age range I am aiming at, my work may include difficult subjects that can become very dark. But it also means that I strive to show only what is absolutely necessary and to avoid too much discussion of certain subjects that may not yet be appropriate for an age group if that age group is on the younger end of the YA spectrum.

For Shadow’s Dissident and Light’s Insurgent, this means that while Oblivion runs escort/brothel services as a means of control over key political figures on planets they’re trying to control, does some horrific things to those in their training programs for soldiers and trainers, and is extremely evil, these things are only mentioned in brief but generally are not shown. In book two, things are spelled out a little more. There are some scenes where the abuse that V endured in her past are hinted at. There is also some suggestive content from a few less savory characters, though I strive to keep it clean enough that it can be realistic without being gratuitous or scarring to younger audiences. I don’t shy away from what is being suggested in the single scene where one character proposes Gwen sleep with him, but he is promptly and sharply rejected and the idea is presented as being a bad one. So for older teens, again, it shouldn’t be an issue. Nothing actually happens, and it is kept fairly clean even though it’s obvious what the guy is asking. There is some kissing between Sheppard and Gwen; again, I strive to keep it realistic but clean for a younger audience.

My approach is intentional because, as I said, while I don’t believe in sheltering teens and young adults from the reality of the evil that can go on in the world, I also don’t believe the best approach to helping them to realize that evil exists is to hand them writing with graphic descriptions of all the horrible things that could happen to a person. It is enough to establish that it exists, what brand of it is being dealt with, and why it is evil without going into lengthy descriptions of its manifestations.

However, this does mean that some parents may not feel comfortable with giving the book series to their teens. I leave that decision in their hands; my goal is to provide them and you as readers with the information they and you need to make an informed decision on whether or not you want to read it. It is not my job or my concern to determine your decision or to decide if it is a good one or a fairly considered one. For those who have dealt with abuse before, this may not be the book for you. It isn’t graphic in its descriptions, where the abuse is described at all, but I understand that even the presence or mention of it may make those who have been through abuse uncomfortable. If that’s you, please, for your own mental health, don’t read this.

And finally, if you read the first book, it is a pretty good indication of the sort of content that will be in this one. There’s no sex, some kissing, and descriptions of violence are kept appropriate for the target age range. If you’re looking for something with a higher heat level to the romance or more R-rated descriptions of violence, this won’t be the book or the series for you. Thanks for reading, everyone, and I hope this helps to bring some clarity to readers and to let you all know what to expect! Happy reading!

Princess of the Beasts Character Interview with Joanna White

Hi all! It’s been a while since I posted on here. But today, I’m doing a character interview with one of the characters from Princess of the Beasts, Joanna White’s newest upcoming release, which is part of the Children of Chaos series. Let’s dive right in with Sahri, our guest for today’s interview!

  • Can you introduce yourself for my readers?

Yes, of course. My name is Sahri, and I am Princess of the Kingdom of Ahri.

  • What role do you play in your story?

Most would consider me the main character, although I believe Jekre plays an important role as well. But I am the character who can talk to and heal animals, so if you consider all the hope of the kingdom riding upon my shoulders, then I suppose that would make me the main character. Yet, I could not have done it without Jekre.

  • What’s your philosophy when it comes to life?

I try to believe that people are basically good at heart, but most of my time is spent around animals—helping to heal pets that belong to other people. To be frank, I prefer the company of animals, on occasion.

  • What’s your favorite quote?

I am not entirely sure that I have one. Although, one of the Anati, Crim, can be witty when he speaks to me, which I quite enjoy.

  • Favorite part of your story?

When the Anati returned from their migration and we had the Festival of the Anati. It is tradition to celebrate their return, and for me to use my abilities to ensure that the creatures are safe and healthy after their migration across the Emerald Sea.

  • What’s the worst thing that’s ever happened to you?

When the Anati were killed. They were the only friends I had and I could not imagine why someone would be that cruel.

  • The best thing?

When Crim and this generation of Anati were born. I assisted Crim’s mother when she gave birth to him, and it was one of the best moments of my life.

  • Since much of my audience is composed of readers or writers, what’s your favorite book?

Do not tell my parents—for it is improper for a princess to be interested in herbs—but I thoroughly enjoy books on herbs and medicines.

  • Which other character from your story do you like best and why?

Jekre. He is my loyal bodyguard and I consider him a good friend—even if he does not like royals, understandably so. The Ahri Reformation is a cruel tactic that I oppose and would gladly defeat when I become queen.

  • Which other character from your story do you like least and why?

The hunters who killed the Anati—my reasons are self-explanatory.

  • What’s the one thing you regret the most and why?

This is a good question, and a difficult one. It is also a bit deep—for the readers, perhaps—but because of the Rune of Obedience, Jekre is forced to obey any order a royal gives him, including protecting me. Jekre has often told me I submit to my parents too much—I’m a passive person and do not truly believe in fighting back and he says that I do not use the freedom I have been blessed with—that he envies.

  • What is the one principle you will never compromise/break?

To never kill another person or creature. The King of Heaven created us all and therefore, it is His right alone to take a life, or not. Not ours.

  • And to end off the interview, what is the one thing you want my readers to know about you before we end today?

I would like them to know that I did the best that I could to save the last three Anati eggs, and thus, my kingdom, but I did not do it for the rich, elite, and royals. A famine is inevitable—until the eggs are grown, at least—but it will be the poor of the land suffering, starving, and dying. The royals, such as my family, the nobles, and elite will hold up and horde food. They will survive. I did not do this for them—I did it for the less fortunate, to save as many of their lives as possible.

Book Tour: Sweet Dreams


Hi, all! Today, I’m helping out a fellow author by featuring her book on the blog as part of her book tour with Silver Dagger Book Tours. Kae Galla is one of the authors in the Children of Chaos series, which I’m participating in, and since I do book features and interviews, I wanted to help her out in getting the book out there! So, without further ado, let’s go take a look at a bit about the book and the author.

Sweet Dreams – Book Info

Children of Chaos Series 

by Kae Galla 

Genre: Paranormal Romance 

There are stories and legends written, all around the world, about my father. Many of those tales, although highly fictionalized, do speak some semblance of truth. My father is what you’d call “The Sandman.”

For eternity, the men in my family have traversed the realm of dreams, putting the world to sleep. It’s a great honor and fantastic ability…at least, that’s what my father says.

I wouldn’t know, because I have yet to gain my legacy.

As the school year comes to a close, and I spend more time with the loneliest girl in class, things begin to change.

What will happen when her secrets come to light?

Will I be able to help her?

Will she be able to help me?

**Only 99 cents!**

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About the Author 

My name is KAE Galla and I’ve loved writing since before I knew how. I’d sit with my mom and grandma telling them exactly what I wanted my story to be, and they would write it down under misshapen scribbles I tried to pass off as art work. It wasn’t until years later that I finally decided to go full throttle with my passion and share it with the world. Now, thanks to the support of my loving family, great friends, and an amazing team, my dream of becoming an author are reality. My heart is in Paranormal Romance, and Romance in general, but I love challenging myself and broadening my horizons so you can bet there is more to come! 

If you’d like to follow KAE Galla, you can do so using the links below!

Website * Facebook * Twitter * Instagram * Bookbub * Amazon * Goodreads

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