The country of Argent teeters on the edge of disaster, and war looms over them when eighteen-year-old Dairdra is thrown into the role of Queen. As she watches her world crumbling around her, she must decide whether to stand up in the position of Queen or to flee the troubles around her and appoint a regent.
Meanwhile, her Royal Mage, who has sworn to protect her, must decide between his sister and his loyalty to his Queen. He can divulge the knowledge he has to his Queen and save her kingdom whilst dooming his own sister, or he can save his sister and perhaps cost Dairdra her life. Can he save his sister and his Queen while surviving the coming storm?
The fate of the war is in their hands, but will they be able to stand together to come out of this war victorious? Only time will tell.
About the Book:
In Darkness Lost is intended for ages twelve and up. Younger children could read it, though some of the story might go over their heads depending on what their reading comprehension level is.
There are a few kissing scenes, but no inappropriate touching is involved as my goal was to provide a book that both the older and younger teens would enjoy and be comfortable with. My goal was to provide fantasy that parents could allow their children to read without fear that questionable content would result in issues.
The only other content some parents may object to is the use of magic or the violence. When it comes to the violence, I wrote it with a YA audience in mind, so it isn’t overly gory and is comparable to what you might find in books like Ranger’s Apprentice or other similar books.
If you have further questions I haven’t answered here, please feel free to leave them in the comments for me! I’ll be happy to answer them as best I can.
Book Links
Paperback: Amazon
Ebook: Amazon (Coming to Kobo sometime in December)