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Author’s Interview: Alicia Scarborough


Today, I have Alicia Scarborough, author of the short story “Misted Love” in our anthology Glimpses of Time and Magic. She’s going to share a little bit about herself, her work, and writing with us today. Thanks for being here, Ally!

Her story’s cover and the anthology cover are below for your enjoyment.

Without further ado, let’s jump into the interview!

Tell us a little bit about yourself.

Uhhh, I guess you could call me a whirlwind of crazy ideas that manifest themselves either as stories or paintings. For you see, I’m an author and artist that must follow the whims of my muse and create the songs that it wishes to sing for those to hear and see.

What kind of fantasy do you write, and what got you into it?

Right now, I’m writing Urban Fantasy. Both Youth (Middle Grade) and Adult. If you’re curious as to which stories is appropriate for a younger readership then pick up the books that have ‘Alicia Scarborough’… the other books that use my initials ‘A.L.’ are for a more mature audience.

As for other genres, I write poems, horror (stories from my nightmares) and some humor. I’m currently working on two more stories. One is about a little girl that likes to turn her playmates into dolls; that story is not due to release until April 2022. The other story is still under wraps, but I can say that it does involve T-Rexes and will be releasing this December 2020.

What got me into writing fantasy? I’ve always loved it. When I was younger I would write stories that mimicked some of the fairytales that I heard as a child and I would add a slight twist or make up what happened after the ‘Happily Ever After’

What genres do you read, and do you write the same ones?

I read mostly Urban Fantasy, but I do branch out into other genres. Especially if I need to research the other genre for writing purposes. Yes, this is my excuse to be able to buy more books. LOL.

What are some of the things you like to do to relax?

I play ARK, read, paint pretty pictures in Photoshop, watch tutorials, watch anime, play with my green cheek conures or groom my beloved Pomeranians’ fur (I have two)

Can you tell us about your current work-in-progress?

Well, I kind of already spilled the beans on the doll one. But yeah if you like Goosebumps then you’re going to love the story “Play with Me” for it’ll give you that chill factor and make you want to turn a cautious eye towards all dolls. Yet, it won’t be released until April 2020.

The t-rex one… I can’t say much except keep your peepers peeled on my FB page for updates or news. You’ll see stuff for that secret story soon enough because it will be released this year.

If you’ve published (self-published or traditionally published), can you tell us a little about the experience?

Planning. It makes the difference between a successful release or a tragic release. I like to know what I’m getting into before I take the plunge. I’m self-published because I want that extra control and the ability to make that key point decision if necessary.

Self-publishing is a ton of work but it’s a trade off if you want to have control on things that matter like your book cover, blurb, price and marketing. From what I’ve heard from my fellow traditionally published authors they have to work within the confines of the publisher.

That’s not for me. I need the freedom to do what needs to be done and without delay.

What were your inspirations for writing?

Dreams. I always have vivid dreams that I sometimes wonder if I’m having a glimpse into another reality and into that person’s life. Because some of those scenes feel so real.

Who got you into writing when you first started?

4th Grade teacher, Mr. Cox. He always encouraged us to do freewriting just before we started our Language Arts (English) lessons. Sure, at that time we were still dealing with the fundamentals of writing, but it was good practice. Since then I’ve kept up with it even if it was poems or just writing down my thoughts.

Was there anyone who came alongside you at any point when you were struggling in your writing journey and made a real difference? If so, who and why?

No, not really. I would have to say that I have an awesome gang of author friends now as opposed to when I first started self-publishing.

What advice would you give to aspiring authors and writers just starting on the writing journey?

Don’t do it for the money. I’m serious. You’ll get heart broken if you start this journey focused on the thousands of dollars. Writing is tough and it’s going to get tougher before you’ll even get a reward.

Instead, focus on your ‘Why’ – why do you really want to write? What’s the burning reason that will keep you trudging through the dark trenches of despair and push you towards victory?

What is one thing you wish someone had told you before you started writing?

Stop listening to everyone else and do your own thing. Everyone’s journey is different and there is no secret formula to success. It’s a matter of rolling up your sleeves and getting dirt under your nails to get that hard work done. There’s no shortcut. Period.

What’s your favorite book, and who’s your favorite literary character? Why?

Mercy Thompson Series by Patricia Briggs. Mercy Thompson is my favorite character because of the trouble that she gets thrown into and must figure a way out of it. She’s tough, smart and she never gives up. Even when her body is mostly a pile of mush she keeps on fighting because she has people she wants to save. She’s one tough cookie and I like her.


Well, thanks for being here with us today! I’m sure we all learned quite a bit about your work and you as an author, and I enjoyed having you on the blog. Best of luck with your future endeavors. Readers, if you want to find Alicia’s books, you can do that on Amazon. As she mentioned, she uses two different authors’ names depending on which age group the books are appropriate for. You can find her profile on Amazon here.

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