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New Blog Schedule For the Fantasy Nook

New Blog Schedule

Hi, everyone! I hope this finds all of you doing well. Things have been chaos for me lately with finishing out teaching, working full-time as well, and finishing out my own freelancing projects in addition to upkeeping the blog and still writing. I’ve been handling it all for months now, but now that I’ve gotten my acceptance into Liberty as a Masters student for Composition/English, I only have this summer before much of my time will be spent on work and my classes. I’ve been thinking a lot about a new blog schedule for The Fantasy Nook because of this.

And I’ve finally decided. Yes, I’m going to make adjustments to the blog schedule now. I contemplated waiting until January when I’m planning to start classes, but I want to have time in the summer to slow down a little and enjoy life. I haven’t really done that since I started my associates in community college nearly six years ago. And I can tell because it’s all becoming way too much. I can’t cut everything back, obviously. However, having a new blog schedule is one way I can help free up time to still enjoy what writing I do have instead of feeling like it’s a chore. As such, here’s what I’ll be doing.

The New Blog Schedule

I want to keep posting the Thursday Technicalities and Sunday Stories. I really enjoy writing those, and I feel like they’re the most useful regular segments of the blog. Here and there, I might also share a sneak peek at what I’ve been writing, but my writing pace may slow down quite a bit because of time limitations. Now, I’m not sure if I’ll be posting the Sunday Stories every week. I may end up doing it every other week, especially since I have to work from home for my job every third Sunday. On Thursday Technicalities, I will do my best to write one a week for you all. If it becomes too much, I will let you all know.

Book reviews! Since I won’t be overloaded with writing, I will be doing more reading. That means that I should be able to post book reviews more regularly. I’ll be putting up a page with what I’ve got planned out to read and when I hope to have the review posted. I do accept requests for reviews (only fantasy for the blog, but I’ll review other things on Amazon, Goodreads, and Bookbub even if it isn’t fantasy). So, while I do have a list, I’m not opposed to adding something to it if I have room and time. Sign up for reviews here.

At the End of the Day…

You’ll get Thursday Technicalities once a week as usual. Sunday Stories will be every other week typically. I’ll post book reviews as I finish fantasy books. Updates or sneak peeks at work will only be up here and there. I hope you’ll all stick with me despite the less frequent content!

The newsletter will still go out once a month with its usual content (book recommendations, updates, and a writing discussion for the month). I’m working on making that more reader-friendly for users who may not have the easiest time with their eye-sight. Someone kindly brought it to my attention that the format is misery for those with bifocals. To those who have the same problem and have struggled through it, thank you. I’m very sorry it’s been so difficult to read. It’ll be updated for the next newsletter assuming I’m able to get it fixed in time. If you want a spot in the newsletter, you can sign up on this form.

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